I'm quite annoyed by pimples and acne this few week~
So, i decide to find more information about pimples, acne, white heads n black heads in order to "SOLVE" this "PROBLEM"
N i believe that many people, especially teens have this "problem"~
Hope these information are useful =' )
Our skin is full of hair follicle n hair grows from this follicle.
Each hair comes out from a pore and hair follicle is connected to a sebaceous gland.
The sebaceous glands produce sebum, which keep the skin surface oily to protect our skin.
A healthy skin, the pore should be open and the sebum comes out on the skin surface.
In skin affected by acne, the opening of the pore gets clogged with dead skin cells.
This blocks the sebum inside the follicle.
Try n imagine that a balloon is getting filled.
What will happen then??
Similarly the follicle gets inflated as more sebum fills it.
At this stage, a bacterium called P.acnes infects the sebum and multiplies inside.
The whiteness of an acne lesion is the pus formed by the dead white cells that fight the P.acnes bacteria.
When the follicle cannot sustain the pressure inside, it bursts then.
Okay~Okay~ Maybe you may not understood what am I talking about or u r not interested~
Coz it's a bit complicated~
Now, I'm gonna to tell how acne develops =' )
In the first stage, blackheads and whiteheads develop.
These are also called comedones.
Blackheads are open at the top and the whiteheads are closed with skin.
The black substance in blackheads is oxidized sebum.
These comedones contain a mixture of sebum and dead cells.
N now, u need a comedone serum or a scrup~
But i think scrup is not enough to prevent acne and clear acne~
Now, we move to second stage.
The follicle gets infected with the bacteria P.acnes and bacteria multiply rapidly in the follicles due to absence of air and the presence of excess sebum and dead cells.
This type of acne is called a pimple.
Pimples may be of two types which are pustule and papule.
A Papule is cellular mass that is not infected while pustules are pus filled infected lesions.
While the third stage are acne inflamed nodules and cysts develop.
A nodule is a solid lesion, which is bigger than a papule.
A nodule is highly inflamed and painful and extends deeper in the skin and causes scars.
A cyst is also severe acne.
A cyst is a sac full of infected sebum, bacteria, dead cells and white blood cells.
Cysts are much larger than pustules and infect the deep layers of skin like nodular acne.
In nodulocystic acne, cysts and nodules develop together.
To prevent acne formed,
We should take notice of our meals...
Avoid oily food!!! N consume too much chocolates also may cause acne =' )
Choose facial products that suit your skin type~
N..... N........
Ensure those product did not contain alchohol n fragrance~
N cleanser should not contain any exfoliating compounds~
These ingredients will dehydrate your skin n reduce your own skin protection.
Hope my sharing is helpful=' )
It's time to sleep now~
Have a nice weekend everyone~
Love ya ^^
Nitez~ Muackzx~
SweetDreams **
N i believe that many people, especially teens have this "problem"~
Hope these information are useful =' )
Our skin is full of hair follicle n hair grows from this follicle.
Each hair comes out from a pore and hair follicle is connected to a sebaceous gland.
The sebaceous glands produce sebum, which keep the skin surface oily to protect our skin.
A healthy skin, the pore should be open and the sebum comes out on the skin surface.
In skin affected by acne, the opening of the pore gets clogged with dead skin cells.
This blocks the sebum inside the follicle.
Try n imagine that a balloon is getting filled.
What will happen then??
Similarly the follicle gets inflated as more sebum fills it.
At this stage, a bacterium called P.acnes infects the sebum and multiplies inside.
The whiteness of an acne lesion is the pus formed by the dead white cells that fight the P.acnes bacteria.
When the follicle cannot sustain the pressure inside, it bursts then.
Okay~Okay~ Maybe you may not understood what am I talking about or u r not interested~
Coz it's a bit complicated~
Now, I'm gonna to tell how acne develops =' )
In the first stage, blackheads and whiteheads develop.
These are also called comedones.
Blackheads are open at the top and the whiteheads are closed with skin.
The black substance in blackheads is oxidized sebum.
These comedones contain a mixture of sebum and dead cells.
N now, u need a comedone serum or a scrup~
But i think scrup is not enough to prevent acne and clear acne~
Now, we move to second stage.
The follicle gets infected with the bacteria P.acnes and bacteria multiply rapidly in the follicles due to absence of air and the presence of excess sebum and dead cells.
This type of acne is called a pimple.
Pimples may be of two types which are pustule and papule.
A Papule is cellular mass that is not infected while pustules are pus filled infected lesions.
While the third stage are acne inflamed nodules and cysts develop.
A nodule is a solid lesion, which is bigger than a papule.
A nodule is highly inflamed and painful and extends deeper in the skin and causes scars.
A cyst is also severe acne.
A cyst is a sac full of infected sebum, bacteria, dead cells and white blood cells.
Cysts are much larger than pustules and infect the deep layers of skin like nodular acne.
In nodulocystic acne, cysts and nodules develop together.

We should take notice of our meals...
Avoid oily food!!! N consume too much chocolates also may cause acne =' )
Choose facial products that suit your skin type~
N..... N........
Ensure those product did not contain alchohol n fragrance~
N cleanser should not contain any exfoliating compounds~
These ingredients will dehydrate your skin n reduce your own skin protection.
Hope my sharing is helpful=' )
It's time to sleep now~
Have a nice weekend everyone~
Love ya ^^
Nitez~ Muackzx~
SweetDreams **
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